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Hostages : A Matter of Choice | Episode Poster

Hostages - Season 1 - Episode 10 - A Matter of Choice  Hostages (2019) on IMDb

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Prithvi has to contend with a mutiny from his crew, while Mira manages to turn the game around. But that's not the end. Soon, she is faced with another choice. What will she do?

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Actor: Ronit Roy, Tisca Chopra, Sharad Joshi, Malhaar Rathod, Anangsha Biswas, Parvin Dabas, Suriya, Mohan Kapur, Aashim Gulati, Dalip Tahil

Creators: Sudhir Mishra


Languages: hi,

Episode: 10

Runtime: 25

Date Modified: 2019-09-25 16:49:00

Air Date:

Year Released: 2019

Rating: 10.000 out of 10 1

Content Rating: 42min

Views: 68

Quality: HD



Trailer: Hostages - A Matter of Choice TV Series : Hostages - A Matter of Choice - Official Trailer 2019-09-25 16:49:00

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